Press Releases

eGov Transformation teams discuss open government data

08 Mar 2017

The Information Technology Authority (ITA) in cooperation with the TRA conducted a workshop on open data for eGovernment transformation teams in the government entities, at the TRA headquarters. The workshop was attended by around 16 government entities.

The workshop aimed at introducing open data concept to the government entities, identify the best practices in the deployment of open government data, as well as access to the policies and the laws of open government data, and improve the level of the Sultanate in international reports and rankings.

During the workshop several topics were addressed including, the importance of open data, development of open data in the Sultanate and aspirations of the future, the best international practices in the field of open data, standards and policies that determine the quality of the data, and the expansion of data portals, and employing open data to be usable.