Oman Transport Safety Bureau


Hotline: +968-72111135


  Air Accident Investigation Marine Accident Investigation


Air Accident/Incident Reporting Form


OTSB is an independent aviation and marine accidents and serious incidents investigation entity under the direct supervision of the Minister of Transport, Communications & Information Technology (MTCIT). OTSB was established under Royal Decree No. (76/2019) and Royal Decree No. (19/2023).

OTSB is financially, administratively and operationally independent from the Regulator Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Directorate General of Maritime Affairs (DGMA). 

The OTSB extensively cooperates with the Regulator and the industry on issues relating to aviation & marine safety and promoting its awareness. It also cooperates with International Agencies and other States' investigation authorities under the agreements and Memorandums of Understandings to which the Sultanate of Oman is a signatory to, in the interest of improving Aviation & Marine safety.


The sole objective of OTSB's investigation of an accident or serious incident shall be the prevention of accidents and incidents by issuing safety recommendations to prevent and reduce future occurrences and following up with the recommendations.  It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability in compliance to ICAO Annex 13 and IMO MSC 255 (84). The purpose of Investigations is to find the root causes and\or the contributing factors of the accident.


The mission of the OTSB is to promote aviation and maritime safety through the conduct of independent and objective investigations into Aviation and Marine accidents and incidents in accordance with International Standards & Recommended Practices. 

When carrying out its investigations, the OTSB will: 

  • Gather, record and analyse all available information on the accidents and serious incidents.
  • Determine the causes and/or contributing factors.
  • Address safety recommendations to appropriate authorities on the identified safety issues.
  • Monitor, follow up & record safety recommendations.
  • Identify possible safety issues.
  • Produce an investigation report.

In discharging its functions of improving Aviation & Marine safety, the Oman Transport Safety Bureau "OTSB" always ensures the following: 

  • Conducts investigations.
  • Allocates its resources in a manner where the greatest benefit to Aviation & Marine safety improvements may materialize.
  • Make safety recommendations based on systematic processes.
  • Utilizes expertise and information from its in-house capabilities, as well as, from safety experts seconded from the aviation and maritime industry.
  • Capabilities are developed and shared to fulfill its mission.